Sunday, November 24, 2019

Digital Tools

Logo Source: Prezi Logo Vector

Looking for a more innovating presentation platform? Then, perhaps you might want to consider Prezi. Prezi is another presentation platform like Microsoft Power Point or Google Slides. Unlike the other presentation platforms, Prezi does not include bullet points or the typical slides. Instead, you can add images or information that will guide you from one section to another without necessarily going in order or slide by slide.

When I first came across Prezi, it was when one of my professors used it during a presentation. I was just amazed and fascinated by the transitions from one thing to the other. It just seemed like a fancy  presentation that you would typically not come across, unless you were like a business person. For that reason, I wanted to learn and explore more about this presentation platform.

To learn more about Prezi, please view my narrated video:

Who is Prezi for?
Prezi is for educators who want to highlight specific content information for their students. It can become a helpful tool for story telling or simply to grab student's attention by zooming into an image or part of text.

Pros & Cons:
Some of the Pros in using Prezi are:
  • It is more like a virtual presentation, rather than the traditional slide presentation
  • As a teacher, one can  add images, videos or links to other topics to make it more interactive
  • It is free for both teachers and students
  • There are already several templates to choose from. Some already created and one can build from them.
  • Teachers are able to show students the big picture and then small details
Some of the Cons in using Prezi are:
  • Can perhaps make you visually dizzy with all the movement
  • There are not that many fonts to choose from
  • At first, creating a presentation can seem difficult
Hope you learned about Prezi and can use in one of your future presentations.

Cats & Dogs Prezi presentation at

Prezi Advantages and Disadvantages at

Prezi website at

Prezi presentation from Nicole Zumpano at

Wikipedia at


  1. Thank you for sharing! I do like Prezi but I often resort back to PowerPoint. I need to remember that it makes it easy for anyone to watch the presentation as you don't need a specific program to do so. I guess I am often more interested in where the visual is going to go next instead of what the content is saying :) Would you recommend it to your students over a different presentation program? Do you think it would be easier for them? Often times my students would get distracted by the many fonts, so maybe the lack of them is better! Thank you for sharing!

    1. Hi, thank you bringing up a great question about using Prezi with students. I think that just like with other resources, you first need to determine the objective of the lesson is, and from there think if that is the resource that will meet the need of your objective.

  2. I like Prezi simply because it's not PowerPoint. PowerPoint has been around since about 1990 and changed very little in all those years. Every single time a student or teacher wants to present, they default to PowerPoint because it is the staple presentation tool. Every one looks about the same with the same templates and those bullets. Certainly few people teach how to make a PowerPoint anymore either because the presentations would be better if they did. The way people use PowerPoint now, maybe it should be more aptly named "PowerSentence or PowerParagraph."

    This site is similar, but it's not PowerPoint and provides a breath of fresh air. It accomplishes the same mission, but takes away the shape of a PowerPoint and utilizes more dramatic transitions, as you mentioned above. I also like that it is web-based and free, meaning that you don't need to own anything to use it and can use it on any of your devices.

    Do you know, does this program provide multiple editors at the same time? That is the one feature that PowerPoint doesn't have that we'd like at our school. Google Slides does, but Google products are not supported at our school, so I am constantly on the lookout for the next best presentation software that allows multiple editors to edit it at once.

    1. Thank you for sharing about PowerPoint. I did not know that it was available since 1990. Hopefully, you are able to use the new version of Prezi and present another option for your teachers.

  3. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on Prezi! I used it exclusively for a long time and then found myself moving away from it just because of needing a "change of scenery". I still like the program though. @Mr. G in "Prezi Next" (the newer version) you can have up to 10 co-editors:

  4. I have seen Prezi used many times before, but I have never actually created one myself. I do love how it presents the information in a different format than PowerPoint. Having pre-made templates is definitely a plus, and the multi-language feature is not one I was aware of. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hope you are able to use it sometime in the near future and see the different things you can develop. I am currently working on one to present to the staff I work with.
